Welcome to Phoenix Training
Phoenix is a leading accredited and independent UK based consultancy providing professional services to Local Authorities and Governmental agencies. We are there to help in you:- Knowing the risk; Meeting your duty of care and Reinforcing the confidence of users and providers.
Driver CPC periodic training for £35 per day
Phoenix Training are offering two days of Driver CPC periodic training for £35 per day* and will guarantee that price for the training content until 2013. To read more on this fantastic Driver CPC training offer you need to visit our dedicated "cpc driver periodic training" site
Training offer
Free training offer Please contact us for details of our free training services.
Our range of training solutions
We specialise in producing and supplying Training manuals and providing associated Training, Risk Assessment, Route Monitoring, Customer Care and Consultancy amongst other services and our range of Training solutions provides an integrated and holistic approach both to Education and Social Services training.
For further details of our services please select the "Contact us Button" on the left, should you have any questions or to request pricing structures.
The climate of limited budgets, increasing demands and free availability of ‘no win-no fee’ litigation, places ever more importance on recognising and reducing your risk exposure. It is a recognised that a well trained and motivated workforce delivers a higher quality of service a key component in user satisfaction, cost containment and risk reduction.
Our range of Training solutions provide an integrated approach to education and training throughout their implementation lifecycle whilst also offering a structured skill progression path for those with more experience or those who wish to build a more academic background.