
Phoenix’s training manuals are often used in association with our training wing; and we have a body of trained and professional staff, skilled in the discipline of passenger transport service provision. We provide Training to Authorities throughout the UK and have been doing so for the past 15 years. As one of the largest independent accredited training organisations we have trained thousands of Escorts and Drivers whether they have been in the role for years or whether they have recently been recruited and we use our experience and expertise to constantly improve and develop our services. We will help you to meet the spiralling demands placed on you, be they demands from the rigours of “prudence” or demands from ever more sophisticated clients who require both greater efficiency yet expect – rightly so – an ever more personal service.

Unlike many areas such as sport, where known and strictly enforced rules recognised by everyone, allow a common understanding, the area of passenger services be they Special Education Needs or Mainstream is beset by difficulties. Whether it is the legislation that covers part but not the whole; the diverse rules, burgeoning input from the European Parliament or the unique needs of a Local Authority the obvious requirement must be for implementation of national standard practices. Our training is designed to give you clear and authoritative guidance through the minefield.

Our training modules are designed to run in conjunction with our training manuals and are designed meet the individual requirements of each Authority and will encapsulate and follow the policies you have laid down. We are, due the flexibility of the training modules, able to emphasise and concentrate on those areas of most importance to you. The course lasts for two days with the first day being assigned to Theory guidance and the second assigned to practical instruction. The areas covered include, but are not limited to, Operational Procedure; Contractual Procedure; Risk Assessment; Training; Caring Policies; The Right Equipment and medical units including; Asthma, Autism, AD/HD, Diabetes, Epilepsy; Allergic reactions etc.

The Risk Assessment section for example defines what is meant by Risk Assessment in passenger transport and why to do it. It then goes on to define the areas of risk assessment such as the clients need, the question of mobility and wheelchairs, timescale and traffic congestion e.g. how this could impact on a passenger’s medication regime and other key elements. It also looks at the physical hazards from a risk assessment point of view such as distance, weather impact, accessibility, unloading and loading. For example on a contract which involved carrying wheelchair passengers with special needs would you know how many wheelchairs you can carry, what level of escorts should be provided, how to deal with a mix of passengers, or of the potential violence between unstable passengers?

The training not only looks at driving and looking after the vehicle - especially ancillary equipment like ramps or tail lifts - but tackles areas like child protection, training of escorts, dealing with challenging behaviour and first aid. It makes the strong point that the journey is part of the whole which can have either a negative or positive impact on the ensuing day’s activities.

With the enormous demands made on the staff within the department both from the passengers and their parents and from the justifiable but demanding requirements of best value reviews it is sometimes difficult to step back and look at the way you plan, deliver and monitor your training of Escorts and Drivers. Often the training has developed from ad hoc processes that may individually allow you to work but collectively does not always allow the easy maintenance of its integrity and quality.

Having professional, accredited and independent trainers working alongside gives you the security of knowing you have met your obligations to your staff and to your clients.

We will be happy to provide references from our clients and the effectiveness of our Training is born out by their year on year request for us to return, either for refresher or new entrant training.